WOL Wilmington, NC
If you are already a member, SIGN IN
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Password *
Confirm Password *
Country *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone *
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Phone *
When you complete this form, please go to your location and choose a coaching package. All coached athletes are included on the team and will receive information on joining our Facebook Forum, Team shirts and other options that pertain to Without Limits. Please select below that you understand this process.
Yes I understand.

Please call me I have questions

Please select the best option(s) below
I am an adult athlete

I am an adult parent using the athlete portal for my child

I am a youth athlete that will be using the athlete portal

If you are with a company/organization or you have a different reason for using the Without Limits athlete portal, please list that below
Select the chapters that are applicable to you.
You will receive all relevant communications for those chapters.
WOL Greenville, SC
WOL Charleston, SC
WOL Wilmington, NC
WOL Columbia, SC
Without Limits TRIANGLE
*** you must select a chapter if you want to receive communications and messages ***
Waiver *
Read through the agreement.

I have read and agreed to the TERMS *
Is the participant 18 or older? *
  18 or older       Under 18

Athletes, track and pool closed through 5pm Thursday. Due to it being 19 degrees tonight and potential for ice on trails, we will push practices to Friday morning. Keep an eye on the WOL Calendar for schedule